Payment methods:
– BANK TRANSFER to bank account of National Bank of Greece: ΜΗ ΜΑΔΑΣ ΤΗ ΜΑΡΓΑΡΙΤΑ ΤΖΙΜΙΚΑ-ΤΣΙΟΥΜΑΚΑ ΟΕ and IBAN: GR5501102130000021300485188
Swift: ethngraa

Routing number: 007879

Bank address: Eolou 86, Athens

-Pay with PayPal
By selecting PayPal as a method of payment, you will be automatically transferred to the PayPal page to complete the transaction and pay for the order. PayPal is the best-known, secure and trusted mediator for Online Transactions. Transactions made through PayPal are governed by the PayPal Terms & Conditions.&

Having selected this payment method, after placing your order you are automatically transferred to the safe environment of ePOS Pay center of the National Bank of Greece. In this page you have to enter all the data required, namely card number, expiration month/year, three-digit verification code, cardholder name/ surname, following the instructions and then you submit the order so that your card is immediately charged. These data are not registered to the Company’s website, but they are processed by the National Bank of Greece according to its terms of transactions, which you accept since you select this payment method.
With the use of SSL protocol (Secure Sockets Layer) for safe online transactions, all the information of the card registered during this procedure are transferred through the internet via an encryption technology so they cannot be read or changed during their transfer.

For any other question you can contact us at +30 2310221102 Monday-Wednesday-Saturday: 10:30-15:30 και Tuesday-Thursday-Friday:10:30-15:30 and 17:30-21:00 or you can visit us Ioustinianoy 5, Thessaloniki or via e-mail: info@mimadastimargarita
